Skye McNeill

Hi there! I’m a textile and surface pattern designer, artist and daydreamer based in the beautiful Pacific Northwest US. I create work with a sense of whimsy and spirit that is inspired by my love and awe of the natural world, travel, my childhood in farm country, and coastal living. I work across multiple mediums but primarily use gouache and acrylic painting, block printing and digital illustration.

I received a degree in Fine Art from Bard College and an MFA in Graphic Design from MICA (The Maryland Institute College of Art). I have worked in-house as a Product Graphic Designer for Nike and as Senior Graphic Designer at Timber Press. My work has been featured in Print/Maker, HOW Magazine, UPPERCASE Magazine, Ink Newspaper, Pattern Observer blog, Mama Mandolin blog, and the ADX Portland Blog. 

A passionate environmentalist, animal advocate and feminist, I give preference to companies who are making the environment a priority in their production methods through safe dyes, considered materials, zero or low waste, and fair trade practices, as well as high safety and wage standards in manufacturing and community involvement. Each season I offer a collection of prints inspired by or addressing an issue facing our environment or society. Proceeds from these collections will be donated to a non-profit or activist organization working to aid in these challenges. I also consider pro bono, discounts and trade opportunities for individuals and non-profit companies fighting for social, ecological, and food justice, and who directly better our local and global communities. We are all in this together!


Sheryl Murray


Sloane Leong